Heartland joins the Women in Leadership Summit
A group of Heartlanders recently had the opportunity to attend the Women in Leadership Summit, held 24-25 August 2022 in partnership with Women Leaders Institute and UN Women Aotearoa New Zealand. The focus of the event was to build a more inclusive and diverse Aotearoa where wāhine (women) of all backgrounds can thrive across all sectors of society. The knowledge shared was relevant to everyone as we lead regardless of our official titles. We do it with our whānau, communities and at work.
Although women share the same rights, gender equality has not yet been achieved by any country. Ensuring that women, as well as those from other underrepresented groups across the world are able to live their lives their own way, would have huge impacts not only on their individual lives, but also our societies as a whole.
To help Aotearoa New Zealand move towards this goal, the summit brought together some of New Zealand’s most influential leaders to drive the conversation forward. Heartland Group CEO Jeff Greenslade joined Hinemoa Elder (Helen Clark Foundation) and Nick Stanhope (AIA Insurance) in a panel moderated by Equal Employment Opportunities Commissioner Saunoamaali’i Karanina Sumeo.
This panel focused on creating equal opportunities within the workplace; what organisations can be doing to close all the pay gaps — gender, Māori, Pasifika and ethnic; leading by example when creating an environment of equal opportunity, including removing barriers that exclude women from performing at higher levels; and setting up opportunities for all to succeed.
Eight of our people (including male allies) from across Heartland Group’s New Zealand offices, including from the Heartland Bank and StockCo Australia (Hastings) teams, joined the conference to help bring the lessons from the summit back to our workplace. The event was two-days full of food-for-thought. They heard from a number of inspiring speakers with many different perspectives on leadership, including: what leading with others in mind means, creating a positive workplace environment based on trust and accountability, leading change and championing intergenerational, cultural and all diversities, and so much more.
We are proud to be an organisation that celebrates the many characteristics that make each of us different. To learn more about Heartland’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, visit our Diversity and inclusion page.